Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello all. I was sitting in class a few days ago and I overheard some of my fellow students talking about a new ‘Christian’ t-shirt/bumper sticker that has recently hit the markets. It reads "Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8." While I think that Christians really do need to pray for our president (after all even if you don't like him, he will be leading our country for the next couple years), I think this statement is SICK! Let me explain why. Psalm 109:8 reads: "Let his days be few, And let another take his office." The next verse says "Let his children be fatherless, And his wife a widow." THIS is NOT what we need to pray for our president! Let me remind you what the Bible says about our authorities."Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to SPEAK EVIL of NO ONE" Titus 3. Wishing our president dead is disgusting! To be a Christian by definition means to imitate Christ: be little Christ’s. Did Christ ever once speak thus about political authorities? NO! What part about being a Christian WISHES someone dead?!?!?! Especially someone who might not be a Christian? Do you REALLY wish someone to spend eternity in hell? How could you? Christ came to die - give his entire life ending in torment beyond description - to SAVE people from hell!!! And now those very people he saved from hell want others to go there?! You know what this is? This is SICK! I don't think I have ever been so ANGRY in my life!!!! Let me tell those who do this something. I attend to a liberal arts school - emphasis on LIBERAL. I do not hide my Christianity. After I heard this, I didn't want ANYONE at my school thinking of me as a Christian! The way my fellow students were talking about [so called] Christians in light of this, was not pretty. Many words were used that I will not mention here. And you know what? If saying those kind of things is the measure of being a Christian, than I could not agree with my classmates more! That is not ANY type of Christianity that I want anything to do with and I abhor it! How on earth, if you understand what God in His infinite mercy saved YOU from, could you EVER wish that destiny on ANYONE else?! I'm gonna stretch a little and say that God sees two types of people in this world: sinners and saved people. It is true that some saved people are more beneficial than others and some sinners are worse than others, but when it comes down to it on judgment day the deciding factor will be whether or not you are saved. You know what this means, you and Obama were seen NO differently before you were saved. You were no better. Swallow your pride Christians. Christianity has NOTHING to do with you! It is ALL about God. We were saved because HE chose us, HE made a way for us, HE called us, and HE saved us! Means you're a wretched, filthy, abominable, and cursed sinner without God. Without God, you and Obama are in the same boat! Now don't get me wrong, I don't like Obama! I did not vote for him, I will not vote for him! I do not want him reelected. But I DO NOT want him to go to hell! And I would seriously question the salvation of anyone who did! If you have qualms with Obama, and I would think every true Christian who understands anything about the Bible and politics would, then PRAY FOR HIM! But NOT in a Psalm 109 context! For one reason, like I said earlier, whether or not you like him, you're stuck with him for the next couple years. So pray that God would change him - like He changed you. If you think about it, the only places that it is recorded that Jesus got really mad (and he got REALLY mad) were cleaning the Temple of 'religious' people and with the Pharisees. Well I am REALLY mad right now at the hypocritical Pharisees hiding in churches today who wish Obama to die!!!! Come on! Clean the Temple. If you are a Christian [literally "little Christ"] start acting like one. And STOP making it harder than it needs to be for students like myself in a secular school to try and establish the Kingdom here! Really, it's gonna be hard to reach those classmates now!

1 comment:

  1. "First of all, I urge that supplications, prayers, and intercessions be made for... all who are in high positions, that we may live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

    I agree with you Scott- there is nothing godly or dignified about that slogan. I also agree with you about the need to be in prayer for our president's salvation. I just looked up a website,, that I knew was dedicated to building a prayer support base for our president. I was disappointed. This is what they listed as issues facing America and our President: The War, Terrorism, The Economy, and Peace in Israel and the Middle East. Not a word about prayer for his salvation. The banner for the website in the Google search engine? "Website devoted to prayer in order to help the president succeed." Perhaps we should first pray that his goals be godly ones, before we pray for his success.
