Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snow....... AGAIN!

Snowfall number three just came upon us with a fury! Driving home from school in the wee hours of this morning (a drive that usually takes 10 minutes) took me almost a half hour. The roads were really bad (and I was super tired). But such is Wisconsin! Anyway.... snowfall number three: down for the count. Looking out the window I'd estimate about 4-5 inches. we'll see how long it lasts.......

Thursday, December 2, 2010

snowfall 2!

For those interested. Our second snowfall followed on the heals of the first. December 1st was the first time snow actually resided on the ground without immediately being melted away. Not sure if that's significant or not????? But there it was. Snowfall two, down! December 1st 2010.