Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snow....... AGAIN!

Snowfall number three just came upon us with a fury! Driving home from school in the wee hours of this morning (a drive that usually takes 10 minutes) took me almost a half hour. The roads were really bad (and I was super tired). But such is Wisconsin! Anyway.... snowfall number three: down for the count. Looking out the window I'd estimate about 4-5 inches. we'll see how long it lasts.......


  1. So according to the "accumulated on the ground" method of measurement, this should be your only one! Somehow, I highly doubt that is going to be the case. With South Dakota and Wisconsin, I think that the 27 and 30 are much more likely to correlate!

    I heard they had to cancel the On Call leaders meeting due to snow...

  2. You are on break- Get back to blogging. :) I need some new reading material from home. lol Love you!
