Saturday, November 13, 2010

That Ever Elusive Word

Bring my pen down to the sheet

Some poetry to write

Wanting it to come out neat

Hoping my thoughts will come out tight

Writing to flee from the night

But I’m stuck on this line

Searching for the perfect word

Praying it will come to mind

I almost hear it, but then it’s blurred

Searching, searching for that perfect word

That word remains elusive

Though I try, try, try

The noise I hear is mutually exclusive

And deafens me from my word’s cry

As it calls to me when it passes by

I’m missing my chance

That word is almost gone

It’s like my mind is in a trance

Wait, it’s here on the tip of my tongue

But alas it won’t be done

It plays with me for a longer while

Playing, skipping, dancing around my mind

But always remaining the missing file

Refusing to allow me to find

That missing word so very unkind

That’s it, I’m done forget it

I’m going off to bed

The word is never coming, I quit!

As I lay down to sleep my mind screamed in my head

How could you surrender is what it said.

I can’t sleep, this is useless

My mind keeps searching for

That word so all elusive

I toss and turn as the clock strikes half past four

Please go to sleep my body my mind implores

After hours of frustration

When I had but given in to sleep

After losing hope in my dictation

It suddenly dawned on me

That ever elusive word was Lorelei


  1. Yeah.... kinda random, but it actually happened.... well not like I wrote it out. But I read a poem that mentioned the Lorelei and made a mental note to remember it and maybe incorporate it into a poem (simply I guess because I think it's a rather poetic and romantic sounding word) but when I tried to remember it I couldn't for the life of me. I then spent the next three hours (not exaggerating)searching the internet to find the original poem back to find my missing word...... and thus was born the concept for this poem.... short story long ;-) When I did finally find it, I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed.... but I had already written a lot of this poem venting my frustrations..... and decided to keep it. sorry if it's disappointing as well.

  2. Haha I totally know this feeling!!!

  3. No, I like the idea. "Lorelei" is an elusive and poetic concept- I had to look it up and see what it was talking about. Makes me want to play with the idea as well... would that be idea stealing?? :)

  4. Speaking of words, I invented one in my latest blog post. See if you can find it:
